On this week’s “Tech Night Owl,” Gene Steinberg, the Owl himself, and guests look at the U.S. government’s alleged inquiry into the affairs of Apple Inc. in the wake of the change in the iPhone developers agreement that effectively blocks use of Flash to port iPhone apps.

The episode also covers the strange soap opera of an online publisher’s “purchase” of an iPhone prototype and the curious aftermath. Along for the ride are Peter Cohen, from “The Loop,” and Adam Engst, editor/publisher of “TidBITS” and Take Control Books.

You can tune into the live broadcast stream Thursday nights from 6-8 Pacific, 9-11 Eastern from http://www.technightowl.com/radio ; an archive of the show will be available for downloading and listening at your convenience within four hours after the original broadcast. You can also access our show’s podcast feed, now available at http://www.technightowl.com/nightowl.xml .