It’s About Time Products has posted a screencast on It’s About Time for the iPad. You can find it at .

“It’s About Time” is an iPad application that allows you to access and utilize multiple “mini apps” with different, customizable types of information. It will be available soon at a special launch price of $0.99.

Mini apps 1.0 ships with a 1984-style mini Calculator, Browser, Sticky, Weather, and NASA image of the day, all of which run at the same time.

“Our Dashboard-like engine also gives users the ability to have multiple copies of one mini app on screen. “I plan on having multiple mini Browsers open so I can go to all my favorite sites whenever I want,” says Saied Ghaffari, CEO of It’s About Time Products. “Mini apps is compatible with the majority of available Dashboard widgets on the Mac. It’s About Time hopes to find developers with whom to partner to help take mini apps to the next level.”