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Icon Reader
Volume Number:3
Issue Number:6
Column Tag:Assembly Language Lab

Icon Reader Utility

By Ms. Jean Thomas, Swarthmore, PA

Getting Application Icons

Whenever I receive a number of new programs, one of the things I most look forward to is seeing the new icons. Normally this would require a trip to the Finder, but even there you can’t see any related document icons until you open the application and create a file (or use ResEdit). If you don’t happen to have 120k free on your disk, you can use this little IconApp utility to view application and document icons.

Even though every application on the Desktop has an icon, applications that haven’t been ‘bundled’ or set up to display a specific icon (along with other information) take on a generic application icon which is stored in the Finder. Applications which have been bundled and have a file reference number, used by the Finder to associate applications with their icons (BNDL and FREF), can have a unique icon on the Desktop. The Finder copies the file’s icons into the destkop file and keeps track of each icon set per each file creator tag. Thus if another applicaton is loaded with the same creator as a previous application, it’s icon will change to the wrong icon on the desktop. This is why creator tags must be unique. Also, the deskto never forgets, so even if you have a unique creator tag, it may be necessary to force the Finder to rebuild the desktop file by holding down the cmd-option keys during a re-boot. This program opens an application’s resource fork and displays the program’s bundled icons in a small dialog box.

An icon is a quickdraw object that is defined as a small 128 byte bitmap four bytes wide living in a small rectangle 32 by 32. In our program we define a bitmap to hold the icon as follows:

iconmap:  dc.l   ; pointer to bit image base address
 dc.w ; integer of row bytes (4)
 dc.w ; rect  top 0
 dc.w ; rect left 0
 dc.w ; rect bottom 32
 dc.w ; rect right 32

We read in the icons and store them in our iconmap, then call PlotIcon to display them in our dialog box.

Getting access to the icons of an application requires that we open its resource fork. Given a filename, _OpenResFile returns the file reference number of the selected file. In order to simplify things, I used the standard file reply dialog to get ‘rname+appreply’ or a filename from the dialog reply record. _OpenResFile also returns -1 to the stack if an error occurred in opening the resource file, such as ‘no resource file’,etc. Normally you would call _ResError to check for the specific error code if anything went wrong, but since we are only dealing with applications, I skipped that step. Unless the file has been corrupted, every application will have a resource fork with at least one resource of type ‘CODE’. In the event of corruption, however, IconApp will simply beep and return. One important thing to remember is that _OpenResFile assumes that the resource file to be opened resides on the default volume, so we have to get the volume reference number from the sfreply record before opening any resource first.

     clr     -(SP)     ; room for resource file ref num
     lea     rname+appreply,A1    ; get filename
     move.l  A1,-(SP)
     _OpenResFile                 ; open resource file 
     move    (SP),D7              ; D7=refnum
     cmpi    #-1,D7               ; error?(no resources)
     bne     ValidName            ; no,get filename
     bra     NoRez                ; yes,beep and return

Once we know the application has a resource fork, its time to look for any icons. Given a resource type, ‘ICN#’ in this case, _CountResources will return the total number of resources in the chosen file. Applications with unique icons always have at least one ‘ICN#’ resource, but larger applications often have file or document icons as well.

    CheckDItem    #3              ; get statictext handle
    move.l   theItem(A5),-(SP)   
    pea      rname+appreply       ; get our filename
    _SetIText                     ; print it in dialog
    clr      -(SP)                ; room for # of icons
    move.L   #’ICN#’,-(SP)        ; resource type
    move     (SP),D5        ; get # of icons in file
    subq     #2,D5
    cmpi     #1,D5          ; is there at least one icon?
    blt      NoIcon         ; no, say so
    bra      DoIcon         ; otherwise,prepare to plot it

At the beginning of IconApp, the handle of a generic icon bitmap was stored in A4. If an application doesn’t have an ‘ICN#’ resource, both the filename and the generic icon will be plotted in our dialog box.

Since the total number of icons in the selected application was stored in D5, creating a loop to plot each icon is straight forward. D6 will be an index to the next plotted icon. Any application which has reached this point will contain at least one ‘ICN#’ resource, so D6 is initialized to 1. _GetIndResource can be used to call a number of resources consecutively, so passing D6 and a resource type to _GetIndResource returns a handle to the resource. Each time an icon is plotted, the index to the last icon is compared to the total number of resources in the file. I only included frames for three icons, so if the last plotted icon is not the third one, D6 is incremented and we return to plot the next one. The reference number of the most recently opened resource file was saved in D7 when the file was first opened, so we pass that same refnum to _CloseResFile before dealing dealing with another application.

Fig. 0: Our IconApp reads Icons!

Fig.1: Reply Record Equates

In order to draw both a generic icon and any icon resources in an application, I used _BlockMove (register-based), where A0 points to a source, A1 points to a destination and D0 is the number of bytes to transfer from one rectangle to another. In this case, A0 is a handle to the icon and A1 points to a 128-byte bitmap which will hold the icon. Since we want the entire icon, D0 contains 128. In order to transfer the icon bit map to the screen, we call _Ploticon which will draw the icon in a pre-specified rectangle in the dialog box.

MACRO       IconDraw     IRect    =
       clr.l      -(SP) 
       move.L     #’ICN#’,-(SP)  
       move       D6,-(SP)
       move.l     (SP),A0 
       movea.l    (A0),A0
       cmpa.l     #0,A0 
       beq        CloseRez

       lea        iconmap,A1
       movea.l    (A1),A1
       move.l     #128,D0

       pea        {IRect}
       lea        iconmap,A1
       move.l     A1,-(SP)

_BlockMove is a useful way to transfer bitmap images to the screen. It is also a neat way to achieve flicker-free animation without resorting to the dreaded alternate screen buffer.

Fig.2: MacDraw Icons

Fig.3: Generic Icon

User Notes

IconApp is a very simple application, but it demonstrates how to use bitmaps and manipulate resource files effectively. Using the program is easy: just click on the ‘Icons’ button and select a file in the normal way. Both the application and document icons of the selected file, along with the application name, will be printed out in the dialog box. IconApp will search for and draw up to three icons in the frames.

Some corrupted applications which have been bundled and have a unique icon will appear on the Desktop with a generic icon. IconApp will plot the correct icon in the icon frames instead of the one that appears in the Finder. This is because it reads the icon from the application file and not the desktop file, so even if two applications have the same file creator tag, our utility will display the proper icon.



; IconDraw assumes that D5 contains the total number
; of resources of type ‘ICN#’ in the application, and
; D6 is an index to the icon we are going to plot next.
; A0-> the sourcerect,A1-> the destrect and 
; D0-> the number of bytes to transfer.

MACRO IconDraw IRect =
 clr.l  -(SP)    ;handle
 move.L #’ICN#’,-(SP);res type
 move D6,-(SP)   ;index
 move.l (SP),A0  
 movea.l(A0),A0  ;handle to ptr
 cmpa.l #0,A0    ;nil?
 beq  CloseRez   ;yes, so exit
 lea  iconmap,A1 
 move.l #128,D0  
 _BlockMove      ;copy icon res to iconmap
 pea  {IRect}
 lea  iconmap,A1 ;get icon handle
 move.l A1,-(SP)
 _PlotIcon;plot icon in rect
MACRO CheckDItem Item=
 move.l (A2),-(SP) ; get Dialog pointer
 move.w {Item},-(SP) ; Dialog item in question
 pea  theType(A5); VAR type
 pea  theItem(A5); VAR item
 pea  theRect(A5); VAR box
XDEF  START      ; linker requisite
AllEvents equ  $0000FFFF
DWindLenequ $AA
;------------------Initialize Managers----------
 pea  -4(A5); push Quickdraw globals
 _InitGraf; init Quickdraw 
 _InitFonts      ; init Font manager
 _InitWindows  ; init Window manager
 _InitMenus      ; init Menu manager
 clr.l  -(SP)  ; no restart procedure 
 _InitDialogs  ; init Dialog manager
 _TEInit; init TextEdit 
 move.l #AllEvents,D0   ; all standard events
 _FlushEvents  ; flushed from event queue
 _InitCursor; get standard arrow cursor
 move.l #128,D0  ; 128 bytes for icon
 _NewPtr; get pointer 
 cmpi #0,D0 ; error?
 Bne  Quit; yes, exit out
 lea  iconmap,A1 ; no, get handle to icon
 move.l A0,(A1)  ; save pointer to icon data
 move.L #’ICON’,-(SP); res type for icon
 move #128,-(SP) ; ResID of our generic icon
 _GetResource    ; get generic icon from system
 move.l (SP),A4  ; save its handle in A4
 bra  IconInfo   ; get IconDialog box
 clr.l  -(SP)    ; get room for Dialog pointer
 move.w #160,-(SP) ; resource ID
 pea  IconDialog(A5) ; storage for Dialog record
 move.l #-1,-(SP); in front of other windows
 lea  IconHandle,A2; duplicate handle
 move.l (SP),(A2); leave handle on stack 
 _DrawDialog; draw dialog box and..
 lea  IconHandle,A2
 move.l (A2),-(SP) ; set port to us
 bsr  Outline    ; outline the ‘quit’ button
 bsr  GetFrames  ; draw our three icon frames
 clr.l  -(SP)    ; no filter proc
 pea  ItemHit    ; VAR ItemHit
 move ItemHit,D0 ; Get Item chosen
 cmp.b  #1,D0    ; quit?
 beq.s  CloseIt
 cmp.b  #2,D0    ; get appl. icon?
 beq.s  GetFile
 bra  DialogLoop ; no,wait for a  valid choice
 move.l (A2),-(SP) ; get dialog ptr.
 _CloseDialog    ; close dialog
 _ExitToShell    ; exit...
 move.w #100,-(sp) ; upper corner of reply box 
 move.w #100,-(sp)
 pea  scratch    ; dummy string
 clr.l  -(sp)    ; filter
 move #1,-(sp)   ; only applications
 pea  apptype    ; type list
 clr.l  -(sp)    ; dialog hook
 pea  appreply ; reply record
 move #2,-(sp) ; standard file reply dialog
 move   rgood+appreply,d0 ; was a file chosen?
 beq  DialogLoop ; no, return
 lea  parmblock(A5),A0  ; A0-> parameter block
 clr.l  ioCompletion(A0)  ; no completion routine
 lea  appreply,A1; A1-> reply record
 move.w 6(A1),ioVRefNum(A0) ; get drive refnum
 clr.l  ioVNPtr(A0); volume name pointer
 clr  -(SP) ; room for resource file ref num
 lea  rname+appreply,A1 ; get filename
 move.l A1,-(SP)
 _OpenResFile    ; open resource file 
 move (SP),D7    ; D7=refnum
 cmpi #-1,D7; error?(no resources)
 Bne  ValidName  ; no,get filename
 bra  NoRez ; yes,beep and return
 move #20,-(SP)
 bra  DialogLoop
 CheckDItem #3   ; get statictext handle
 move.l theItem(A5),-(SP) 
 pea  rname+appreply ; get our filename
 _SetIText; print it in dialog
 clr  -(SP) ; room for # of icons
 move.L #’ICN#’,-(SP); resource type
 move (SP),D5  ; get # of icons in file
 subq #2,D5
 cmpi #1,D5 ; is there at least one icon?
 blt  NoIcon; no, say so
 bra  DoIcon; otherwise,prepare to plot it
 move #1,D6 ; get first icon
 IconDraw iconrect1; plot it
 cmp    D5,D6    ; is this the only icon?
 beq  CloseRez   ; yes,close resource file
 addq #1,D6 ; no,add one to counter
 bra  DoIcon2    ; get second icon
 IconDraw iconrect2; plot second icon
 cmp  D5,D6 ; is there a third icon?
 beq  CloseRez ; no, close resource file
 addq #1,D6 ; yes, add one to counter
 bra  DoIcon3  ; get third icon
 IconDraw iconrect3; plot third icon
 bra  CloseRez ; close resource file
 CheckDItem #3   ; get statictext handle
 move.l theItem(A5),-(SP) 
 pea  rname+appreply ; get our filename
 _SetIText; print it in dialog
 move.l A4,A0    ; get handle of generic icon
 movea.l(A0),A0  ; A0-> sourcerect
 cmpa.l #0,A0
 beq  CloseRez
 lea  iconmap,A1 ; A1-> destrect 
 move.l #128,D0  ; D0 = number of bytes to move    
 pea  iconrect1
 lea  iconmap,A1
 move.l A1,-(SP)
 _PlotIcon; plot generic icon
 bra  DialogLoop ; return
GetFrames:; print icon frames
 pea  iconframe1
 pea  iconframe2
 pea  iconframe3
OutLine:; outline first item in dialog, or ‘quit’ button
 CheckDItem #1
 move #3,-(SP)
 move #3,-(SP)
 pea  theRect(A5); VAR box
 move #-4,-(SP)
 move #-4,-(SP)
 pea  theRect(A5)
 move #16,-(SP)
 move #16,-(SP)
 move D7,-(SP)   ; D7=rsrc.file refnum
 _CloseResFile   ; close resource file
 bra  DialogLoop ; return 
;----------------------Local storage------------------
 What:  dc.w0  ;what event number
 Message: dc.l 0 ;ptr. to msg
 When:  dc.l0  ;Time event was posted
 Point: dc.l0  ;mouse coordinates
 Modify:dc.w0  ;state of keys & button
 WWindow: dc.l 0 ;Find window’s result
IconHandledc.l 0
ItemHit dc.w0  ; dialog items
 dc.b 14
 dc.b ‘’
 dc.l 0
apptype dc.b‘APPL’
 dcb.b  14,$ff
 dc.b 63
 dcb.b  63,0
iconmap   dc.w 0,0,4,0,0,$20,$20
iconrect1 dc.w 17,61,49,93
iconrect2 dc.w 17,120,49,152
iconrect3 dc.w 17,174,49,206 
iconframe1dc.w 10,57,54,98
iconframe2dc.w 10,115,54,156
iconframe3dc.w 10,169,54,210

IconDialogds.w DWindLen
theType ds.w1    ; VAR for GetDItem
theItem ds.l1    ; VAR for GetDItem
theRect ds.w4    ; VAR for GetDItem
parmblock ds.w 80

; IconApp_rscs.ASM



    DC.W  0,128  ;MAP 0 TO ICON 128
    DC.W0,128  ;MAP 0 TO FREF 128

 DC.B ‘APPL’, 0, 0, 0


DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$3FFFFFFC,$35555554
DC.L $2AAAAAAC,$35555554,$2AAAAAAC,$35FFFFD4
DC.L $2B0000AC,$354000D4,$2B4000AC,$355800D4
DC.L $2B5000AC,$355000D4,$2B1380AC,$351A80D4
DC.L $2B0280AC,$3502A0D4,$2B03B2AC,$35002AD4
DC.L $2B0026AC,$350022D4,$2B0000AC,$350000D4
DC.L $2BFFFFAC,$35555554,$2AAAAAAC,$35555554
DC.L $2AAAAAAC,$3FFFFFFC,$00000000,$00000000
DC.L $00000000,$00000000,$3FFFFFFC,$3FFFFFFC
DC.L $3FFFFFFC,$3FFFFFFC,$00000000,$00000000



DC.L $00010000,$00028000,$00044000,$00082000
DC.L $00101000,$00200800,$00400400,$00800200
DC.L $01000100,$02000080,$04000040,$08000020
DC.L $10000010,$20000008,$40003F04,$80004082
DC.L $40008041,$20013022,$1001C814,$080E7F8F
DC.L $04023007,$02010007,$01008007,$00806007
DC.L $00401FE7,$0020021F,$00100407,$00080800
DC.L $00041000,$00022000,$00014000,$00008000
DC.L $00010000,$00038000,$0007C00,$0000FE000
DC.L $001FF000,$003FF800,$007FFC0,$000FFFE00
DC.L $01FFFF00,$03FFFF80,$07FFFFC,$00FFFFFE0
DC.L $007FFFFF,$003FFE1F,$001FFC0,$7000FF800
DC.L $0007F000,$0003E000,$0001C00,$000008000

RESOURCE ‘DLOG’ 160 ‘Icon Dialog’
 DC.W 107,122,227,376    ;BoundsRect
 DC.W 1 ; Dialog box w/ outline
 DC.B 1,1 ; Visible
 DC.B 0,0 ; NoGoAway
 DC.L 0 ; RefCon
 DC.W 160 ; DITL ResID
 DC.B ‘Icon..’   ; Title
RESOURCE ‘DITL’ 160 ‘Icon..’
 DC.W 3 ;3 Items (4-1=3)

 DC.L 0 ; handle holder
 DC.W 86,194,115,248 ; BoundsRect
 DC.B 4 ; Button #1
 DC.B ‘Quit’; title
 DC.L 0 ; handle holder
 DC.W 86,106,115,185 ; BoundsRect
 DC.B 4 ; button #2
 DC.B ‘Icons..’  ; title
 DC.L 0 ; handle holder
 DC.W 60,78,76,241 ; BoundsRect
 DC.B 8 ; statictext #1
 DC.B ‘’
 DC.L 0 ; handle holder
 DC.W 60,3,76,76 ; BoundsRect
 DC.B 8 ; statictext #2
 DC.B ‘File Name:’
STRING_FORMAT 0  ; normal

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