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Volume Number:4
Issue Number:6
Column Tag:Forth Forum

Graf3D Library Access

By Jörg Langowski, MacTutor Editorial Board

Graf3D and Mach2 - accessing external libraries

The subject of this month has been initiated by one of our readers, Paul Thomas, who in a desperate mood sent me both a paper letter and GEnie mail, because he needed to know whether it would be possible at all to access the Graf3D routines from Mach2.

A little background for those who weren’t with the Mac (or with us, for that matter) from the beginning: Graf3D is a set of routines on top of QuickDraw, which enable to create a 3-d GrafPort with all necessary support to do 3-dimensional perspective drawing. The routines aren’t explained in Inside Macintosh, but in several other different documents, one of them being the MPW Pascal manual (Appendix J).

Graf3D was also part of the Lisa Workshop, and one of the first Macintosh demo programs, Boxes, used those routines. The Boxes program - many of you might have seen it - draws at random fifteen rectangular boxes on a plane and displays them in a 3-d perspective view. The program is written originally in Lisa Pascal, and also contained on the TML Pascal disk as an example. Listing 4 shows the original program.

Glancing through the code, you might notice that this example certainly wouldn’t please the User Interface Thought Police today. Using the whole screen as a GrafPort without regard to anything else on there is a definite no-no in the days of Multifinder, and if you run the example under Multifinder, you won’t find your windows back on the screen afterwards because they are all covered by little boxes. Nevertheless, it is a nice example for the use of Graf3D, and we’ll show you this month how to translate it into Mach2 (We’ll also correct the garbled screen problem under Multifinder).

First and most difficult question: How can we access routines from Forth that are clearly labeled (Not in ROM) in the documentation? This remark tells us, of course, that they are part of some object library, no source code available and inaccessible to the Forth user. Just like the printing manager was before it was implemented in the Mach2 and MacForth systems.

There may be other libraries to come, also not in ROM, and waiting for updates takes a long time. So I’ll give you two general strategies to get access to object library code from Forth, making you independent of those updates.

The first scheme I thought up was simply to write a short Pascal program that calls all the routines at least once - so that they will be loaded -, compile that program, create a linker map if possible, and pass the final application through Nosy. That will get you a more or less annotated assembly listing from which you can extract the source code of the not in ROM routines that you are interested in.

Well, that works for you and me on our respective desks, but we certainly cannot publish reverse-engineered Apple source code in MacTutor, at least if we want to stay in business. Also, it is a lot of work (i.e. translating to a different assembler dialect, writing the glue code, etc.), and all in all qualifies as a master example of a dirty hack.

There is an easier way to go, and much more general, too: write some sort of a linker for Pascal library code. We write an assembly main program (Listing 2), which is just a table of JMP instructions to the routines that we want to call, and let the MPW linker do its job (listing 3).

The assembly/link script will create a new resource, gr3D, which contains the jump instructions at the beginning, followed by the linked Graf3D code. All we have to do now is to provide a block of memory in our Forth code where this resource can be copied to.

In order to assign Forth words to the JMP instructions, we simply make a table of CREATEs, which will allocate 4 bytes to each name (the length of a JMP d(PC) instruction), and create a dictionary entry so that we know the routine’s address in the jump table. After the block of CREATEs, we allocate sufficient memory so that the gr3D resource can be loaded (see listing 1).

We write a word, Init3D, that gets the gr3D resource and copies it into the table, starting with the address of the first Graf3d word, gInitGrf3D. Now the Graf3D routines are all set up for use by Mach2. As simple as that.

Well, not quite. We still need to write glue code to move the parameters from the Forth stack (A6) to the Pascal stack (A7). That glue code is rather simple and is just the same as is used for calling toolbox ROM routines. Like the traps, the Graf3D code preserves all registers that are vital to Mach2 (A2-A7, D4-D7). Like in the case of traps, we have to make A7 point to the lowest stack (EXG D4,A7) in order to avoid overwriting of Mach2 space by the intermediate Quickdraw record that is put between the stack and the heap. The glue code for the different Graf3D routines is given at the beginning of listing 1.

The Boxes examples should be self-explanatory when you compare it with the Pascal code; in fact, it might help some of you Pascal programmers and casual Forth readers appreciate that there is really no big difference between Forth and Pascal code...

I should point out some more things. First, the ‘access words’ for fields in a record, .x, .y, .pt1, and so on, defined at the beginning of the Forth code. Second, the word restore.screen, which cleans up the display after the example has run; very important when running under Multifinder. It basically does a PaintBehind(FrontWindow, grayRgn), the same mechanism by which many screen savers restore a blacked-out screen. Third, we define a terminal task that runs the Boxes example; that way, we can simply check for ?terminal after each drawing loop to see whether we’re done. Again, we have to make sure (like always in Mach2 multitasking) that the correct GrafPort is set by calling myPort3D SetPort3D before each passage through the loop. This is because any PAUSE-containing word, such as ?terminal, may change the active GrafPort.

For using the example, you will first have to create the Graf3Dglue resource file with the gr3D resource in it, then move that resource into the MACH.RSRC file before starting your Mach2 system. In case you don’t have access to MPW, the source code disk contains the Graf3Dglue and MACH.RSRC files. The complete program, of course, is also on the disk.

That’s it for this month; next month I plan to discuss various projects of object-oriented extensions to Mach2 that have recently appeared on the networks. Some of you might also appreciate that NEON hasn’t died altogether, but that there is at least one person trying to extend it in a very interesting way.

Listing 1: The Boxes example in Mach2
\ Graf3d / Mach2 glue code
\ An example for calling MPW routines from Forth
\ J. Langowski April 1988
\ __________________________________________
Only Forth Also Mac Also Assembler

\ some general definitions first
16 CONSTANT portRect

    MOVE.L   (A6)+,D0
    BMI.S    @1
    MOVE.L   (A6),D1
    ASL.L    D0,D1
    MOVE.L   D1,(A6)
@1  MOVE.L   (A6),D1
    NEG.L    D0
    ASR.L    D0,D1
    MOVE.L   D1,(A6)

CODE white
 MOVE.L (A5),-(A6)
 SUBQ.L #8,(A6)

CODE black
 MOVE.L (A5),-(A6)
 SUBI.L #16,(A6)

CODE gray
 MOVE.L (A5),-(A6)
 SUBI.L #24,(A6)

4 0 DO
  8 SCALE 0 WORD 1+ C@ + 

4ASCII gr3D CONSTANT “gr3D \ resource ID

\ Graf3D jump table

CREATE  gInitGrf3D
CREATE  gOpen3DPort
CREATE  gSetPort3D 
CREATE  gGetPort3D 
CREATE  gViewPort
CREATE  gViewAngle
CREATE  gIdentity
CREATE  gScale
CREATE  gTranslate
CREATE  gPitch
CREATE  gTransform

\ The glue code is 2636 bytes long, so we allocate
\ sufficient additional buffer space to put it into
2600 ALLOT

: Init3D \ gets Graf3D code from gr3D=1 resource 
  \ and copies it into buffer
 “gr3D 1 call GetResource
 dup @ swap call SizeRsrc
 [‘] gInitGrf3D swap cmove

CODE InitGrf3d ( globalPtr -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gInitGrf3d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Open3DPort  ( port -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gOpen3DPort
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE SetPort3d ( port -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gSetPort3d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE GetPort3d ( VAR port -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gGetPort3d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE MoveTo2d  ( x y -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #8,A6
 JSR  gMoveTo2d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE MoveTo3d  ( x y z -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #12,A6
 JSR  gMoveTo3d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE LineTo2d  ( x y -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #8,A6
 JSR  gLineTo2d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE LineTo3d  ( x y z -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #12,A6
 JSR  gLineTo3d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Move2d ( dx dy -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #8,A6
 JSR  gMove2d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Move3d ( dx dy dz -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #12,A6
 JSR  gMove3d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Line2d ( x y -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #8,A6
 JSR  gLine2d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Line3d ( x y z -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #12,A6
 JSR  gLine3d
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE ViewPort  ( r -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gViewPort
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE LookAt ( left top right bottom -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 12(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #16,A6
 JSR  gLookAt
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE ViewAngle ( angle -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gViewAngle
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Identity
 EXG  D4,A7
 JSR  gIdentity
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Scal ( xfactor yfactor zfactor -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #12,A6
 JSR  gScale
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Translate ( dx dy dz -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #12,A6
 JSR  gTranslate
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Pitch( xangle -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gPitch
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Yaw( yangle -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gYaw
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Rol( zangle -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gRoll
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Skew ( zangle -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(A7)
 JSR  gSkew
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Transform ( src dst -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #8,A6
 JSR  gTransform
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE Clip3D ( src1 src2 dst1 dst2 -- flag )
 EXG  D4,A7
 CLR.W  -(A7)
 MOVE.L 12(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #16,A6
 JSR  gClip3D
 MOVE.W (A7)+,D0
 EXT.L  D0
 MOVE.L D0,-(A6)
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE SetPt3d( pt3D x y z -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 12(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #16,A6
 JSR  gSetPt3D
 EXG  D4,A7

CODE SetPt2d( pt2D x y -- )
 EXG  D4,A7
 MOVE.L 8(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L 4(A6),-(A7)
 MOVE.L (A6),-(A7)
 ADDA.W #12,A6
 JSR  gSetPt2D
 EXG  D4,A7

\ Translation of Boxes.pas example into Forth follows
\ _________________________________________

: .x ; mach
: .y 4 + ; mach
: .z 8 + ; mach

: .pt1 ; mach
: .pt2 12 + ; mach

15 CONSTANT BoxCount
Variable MyPort  104 vallot 
 \ grafPort is 108 bytes long
Variable MyPort3D  150 vallot 
 \ graf3DPort is 154 bytes long
Variable boxArray   24 BoxCount * vallot 
 \ BoxCount * 2* point3D @ 3 long words
Variable nboxes     \ # of boxes made
Variable MyBox   20 vallot \ 24 bytes for 2* point3d
Variable p1   8 vallot \ point3d
Variable p2   8 vallot \ point3d
Variable myRect    4 vallot \ Rect
Variable testRect   4 vallot \ Rect

: DrawBrick { pt1 pt2 | tempRgn -- }
 call NewRgn -> tempRgn

 call OpenRgn  
 pt1 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt1 .z @ MoveTo3D
 pt1 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt2 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt2 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt1 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt1 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt1 .z @ LineTo3D
 tempRgn call CloseRgn
 tempRgn white call FillRgn

 call OpenRgn
 pt1 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt2 .z @ MoveTo3D
 pt1 .x @ pt2 .y @ pt2 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt2 .y @ pt2 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt2 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt1 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt2 .z @ LineTo3D
 tempRgn call CloseRgn
 tempRgn gray call FillRgn

 call OpenRgn  
 pt2 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt1 .z @ MoveTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt2 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt2 .y @ pt2 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt2 .y @ pt1 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt1 .z @ LineTo3D
 tempRgn call CloseRgn
 tempRgn black call FillRgn

 white call penpat
 pt2 .x @ pt2 .y @ pt2 .z @ MoveTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt2 .y @ pt1 .z @ LineTo3D
 pt2 .x @ pt1 .y @ pt1 .z @ LineTo3D
 call pennormal

 tempRgn call DisposRgn

: hi -16 scale ;

: chkBox { | box -- }
 1 ( flag )
 nBoxes @ 0 DO
 boxArray i 24 * + -> box
 box .pt1 .x @ hi   
 box .pt1 .y @ hi 
 box .pt2 .x @ hi 
 box .pt2 .y @ hi  call SetRect
 testRect -1 -1 call InSetRect
 myRect testRect testRect call SectRect
 IF drop 0 leave THEN

: MakeBox { | p1x p1y p1z p2x p2y p2z box ii -- }
 call random 70 mod 15 - 1 call FixRatio -> p1x
 call random 70 mod 10 - 1 call FixRatio -> p1y
 0 -> p1z

 call random 30 mod abs 10 + 1 call FixRatio p1x + 
 -> p2x
 call random 45 mod abs 10 + 1 call FixRatio p1y + 
 -> p2y
 call random 30 mod abs 10 + 1 call FixRatio p1z + 
 -> p2z

 myRect p1x hi p1y hi p2x hi p2y hi call SetRect

 chkBox IF
 p1x myBox .pt1 .x !
 p1y myBox .pt1 .y !
 p1z myBox .pt1 .z !
 p2x myBox .pt2 .x !
 p2y myBox .pt2 .y !
 p2z myBox .pt2 .z !

 0 -> ii
 myBox boxArray nBoxes @ 24 * + 24 cmove

 myBox .pt1 .y @  boxArray ii + .pt2 .y @ >
 myBox .pt2 .y @  boxArray ii + .pt1 .y @ > and
 myBox .pt1 .x @  boxArray ii + .pt2 .x @ <
 myBox .pt2 .x @  boxArray ii + .pt1 .x @ < and or
 24 +> ii
 ii 24 / -> ii

 ii 1+ nBoxes @ DO
 boxArray i 1- 24 * +
 boxArray i 24 * + 
 24 cmove
 -1 +loop
 myBox boxArray ii 24 * + 24 cmove
 1 nBoxes +!

: drawGrid
 11 -10 DO
 i 10 * 1 call FixRatio -100 1 call FixRatio 0
 i 10 * 1 call FixRatio  100 1 call FixRatio 0

 11 -10 DO
 -100 1 call FixRatio i 10 * 1 call FixRatio 0
  100 1 call FixRatio i 10 * 1 call FixRatio 0

: restore.screen
 call drawmenubar
 call frontwindow 
 grayrgn @ call paintbehind
 call showcursor

: main
 call hidecursor
 myPort call OpenPort
 myPort3D Open3DPort
 myPort portRect + ViewPort
 -100 1 call FixRatio  75 1 call FixRatio
  100 1 call FixRatio -75 1 call FixRatio
 30 1 call FixRatio ViewAngle
 20 1 call FixRatio Rol
 70 1 call FixRatio Pitch 

 myPort3D SetPort3D
 0 nBoxes !
 BEGIN makeBox nBoxes @ boxCount = UNTIL

 white call penPat
 black call backPat
 myPort portRect + call EraseRect


 0 nBoxes @ 1- DO
 boxArray i 24 * + 
 dup .pt1 swap .pt2 DrawBrick
 -1 +LOOP 
 ?terminal UNTIL

“ Boxes” Boxes TITLE
0 0 20 20 Boxes BOUNDS
Plain Visible NoCloseBox NoGrowBox Boxes ITEMS

600 5000 terminal Box

: activate main ;

: start
 Boxes add
 Boxes Box build
 Box go.Box

.( To create a turkey application ) cr
Listing 2: MPW Assembly glue code for accessing the Graf3D Pascal library
 TITLE  ‘Graf3D glue code for Mach2’
 INCLUDE  ‘Traps.a’
 INCLUDE  ‘ToolEqu.a’
 INCLUDE  ‘QuickEqu.a’
 INCLUDE  ‘SysEqu.a’
 INCLUDE  ‘Graf3DEqu.a’

 JMP   InitGrf3D
 JMP   Open3DPort
 JMP   SetPort3D
 JMP   GetPort3D
 JMP   MoveTo2D
 JMP   MoveTo3D
 JMP   LineTo2D
 JMP   LineTo3D
 JMP   Move2D
 JMP   Move3D
 JMP   Line2D
 JMP   Line3D
 JMP   ViewPort
 JMP   LookAt
 JMP   ViewAngle
 JMP   Identity
 JMP   Scale
 JMP   Translate
 JMP   Pitch
 JMP   Yaw
 JMP   Roll
 JMP   Skew
 JMP   Transform
 JMP   Clip3D
 JMP   SetPt3D
 JMP   SetPt2D
Listing 3: MPW assembly / link script for generating the gr3D resource 
(to be put into the MACH.RSRC file)
 Asm Graf3dglue.a -l
 Link Graf3dglue.a.o 
 {Libraries}Interface.o 
 -rt gr3D=1 -o Graf3dglue -l >
Listing 4: The original Boxes example (from TML Pascal)

{ Boxes demonstrates the use of the Three Dimensional
Quickdraw package Graf3D.

  Pascal source:  Boxes.Pas
  Resources:      *none*
  This program is from Apple’s Lisa Software Supplement,
modified for TML Systems Pascal compiler.

USES MacIntf, FixMath, Graf3D;

CONST boxCount = 15;
 keyOrMouse = 10;

TYPE  Box3D = 
 pt1: Point3D;
 pt2: Point3D;

VARmyPort:   GrafPort;
 myPort3D: Port3D;
 boxArray: ARRAY [0..boxCount] OF Box3D;
 nBoxes:   INTEGER;
 i:        INTEGER;
 dummy:    EventRecord;
PROCEDURE DrawBrick(pt1, pt2: Point3D);
{ draws a 3D brick with shaded faces.  
  only shades correctly in one direction.
VARtempRgn: RgnHandle;
   tempRgn := NewRgn;
   MoveTo3D(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt1.Z); { front face, y=y1 }
   LineTo3D(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt1.Y, pt2.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt1.Y, pt1.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt1.Z);
   FillRgn(tempRgn, white);

   MoveTo3D(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.Z); { top face, z=z2 }
   LineTo3D(pt1.X, pt2.Y, pt2.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt2.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt1.Y, pt2.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.Z);
   FillRgn(tempRgn, gray);

   MoveTo3D(pt2.X, pt1.Y, pt1.Z); { right face, x=x2 }
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt1.Y, pt2.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt2.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt1.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt1.Y, pt1.Z);
   FillRgn(tempRgn, black);

   MoveTo3D(pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt2.Z); { outline right }
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt1.Z);
   LineTo3D(pt2.X, pt1.Y, pt1.Z);


VARmyBox: Box3D;
 i, j, h, v: INTEGER;
 p1, p2: Point3D;
 myRect: Rect;
 testRect: Rect;
   p1.x := FixRatio((Random mod 70 - 15), 1);
   p1.y := FixRatio((Random mod 70 - 10), 1);
   p1.z := 0;

   p2.x := p1.x + FixRatio((10 + ABS(Random) MOD 30), 1);
   p2.y := p1.y + FixRatio((10 + ABS(Random) MOD 45), 1);

   p2.z := p1.z + FixRatio((10 + ABS(Random) MOD 35), 1);

   { reject box if it intersects one already in list }
   SetRect(myRect, HiWord(p1.x), HiWord(p1.y), HiWord(p2.x), HiWord(p2.y));

   FOR i := 0 TO nBoxes - 1 DO BEGIN
      WITH boxArray[i] DO
      InSetRect(testRect, -1, -1);
      IF SectRect(myRect, testRect, testRect) THEN goto 1

   myBox.pt1 := p1;
   myBox.pt2 := p2;

   { calc midpoint of box and its distance from the eye }
   i := 0;
   boxArray[nBoxes].pt1 := myBox.pt1; { sentinel }
   boxArray[nBoxes].pt2 := myBox.pt2;

   ((myBox.pt1.y > boxArray[i].pt2.y) AND (myBox.pt2.y > boxArray[i].pt1.y)) 
   ((myBox.pt1.x < boxArray[i].pt2.x) AND (myBox.pt2.x < boxArray[i].pt1.x)) 
      inc(i); { insert in order of dist }
   FOR j := nBoxes DOWNTO i + 1 DO boxArray[j] := boxArray[j - 1];
   boxArray[i] := myBox;

BEGIN { main program }
   FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);

   { put the image in this rect }
   { aim the camera into 3D space }   
   LookAt(FixRatio(-100, 1), 
          FixRatio(75, 1), 
   FixRatio(100, 1),
          FixRatio(-75, 1)); 

   { choose lens focal length }
   ViewAngle(FixRatio(30, 1)); 
   Roll(FixRatio(20, 1));
   Pitch(FixRatio(70, 1)); { roll and pitch the plane }

      nBoxes := 0;
      UNTIL nBoxes=boxCount;


      FOR i := -10 TO 10 DO BEGIN
         MoveTo3D(FixRatio(i*10, 1), FixRatio(-100, 1), 0);
         LineTo3D(FixRatio(i*10, 1), FixRatio(100, 1), 0);

      FOR i := -10 TO 10 DO BEGIN
         MoveTo3D(FixRatio(-100, 1), FixRatio(i*10, 1), 0);
         LineTo3D(FixRatio(100, 1), FixRatio(i*10, 1), 0);

      FOR i := nBoxes-1 DOWNTO 0 DO 

   UNTIL OSEventAvail(keyOrMouse, dummy);

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Go from lowly lizard to wicked Wyvern in...
Do you like questing, and do you like dragons? If not then boy is this not the announcement for you, as Loongcheer Game has unveiled Quest Dragon: Idle Mobile Game. Yes, it is amazing Square Enix hasn’t sued them for copyright infringement, but... | Read more »
Aether Gazer unveils Chapter 16 of its m...
After a bit of maintenance, Aether Gazer has released Chapter 16 of its main storyline, titled Night Parade of the Beasts. This big update brings a new character, a special outfit, some special limited-time events, and, of course, an engaging... | Read more »
Challenge those pesky wyverns to a dance...
After recently having you do battle against your foes by wildly flailing Hello Kitty and friends at them, GungHo Online has whipped out another surprising collaboration for Puzzle & Dragons. It is now time to beat your opponents by cha-cha... | Read more »
Pack a magnifying glass and practice you...
Somehow it has already been a year since Torchlight: Infinite launched, and XD Games is celebrating by blending in what sounds like a truly fantastic new update. Fans of Cthulhu rejoice, as Whispering Mist brings some horror elements, and tests... | Read more »
Summon your guild and prepare for war in...
Netmarble is making some pretty big moves with their latest update for Seven Knights Idle Adventure, with a bunch of interesting additions. Two new heroes enter the battle, there are events and bosses abound, and perhaps most interesting, a huge... | Read more »
Make the passage of time your plaything...
While some of us are still waiting for a chance to get our hands on Ash Prime - yes, don’t remind me I could currently buy him this month I’m barely hanging on - Digital Extremes has announced its next anticipated Prime Form for Warframe. Starting... | Read more »
If you can find it and fit through the d...
The holy trinity of amazing company names have come together, to release their equally amazing and adorable mobile game, Hamster Inn. Published by HyperBeard Games, and co-developed by Mum Not Proud and Little Sasquatch Studios, it's time to... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

Apple AirPods Pro with USB-C return to all-ti...
Amazon has Apple’s AirPods Pro with USB-C in stock and on sale for $179.99 including free shipping. Their price is $70 (28%) off MSRP, and it’s currently the lowest price available for new AirPods... Read more
Apple Magic Keyboards for iPads are on sale f...
Amazon has Apple Magic Keyboards for iPads on sale today for up to $70 off MSRP, shipping included: – Magic Keyboard for 10th-generation Apple iPad: $199, save $50 – Magic Keyboard for 11″ iPad Pro/... Read more
Apple’s 13-inch M2 MacBook Airs return to rec...
Apple retailers have 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs in stock and on sale this weekend starting at only $849 in Space Gray, Silver, Starlight, and Midnight colors. These are the lowest prices currently... Read more
Best Buy is clearing out iPad Airs for up to...
In advance of next week’s probably release of new and updated iPad Airs, Best Buy has 10.9″ M1 WiFi iPad Airs on record-low sale prices for up to $200 off Apple’s MSRP, starting at $399. Sale prices... Read more
Every version of Apple Pencil is on sale toda...
Best Buy has all Apple Pencils on sale today for $79, ranging up to 39% off MSRP for some models. Sale prices for online orders only, in-store prices may vary. Order online and choose free shipping... Read more
Sunday Sale: Apple Studio Display with Standa...
Amazon has the standard-glass Apple Studio Display on sale for $300 off MSRP for a limited time. Shipping is free: – Studio Display (Standard glass): $1299.97 $300 off MSRP For the latest prices and... Read more
Apple is offering significant discounts on 16...
Apple has a full line of 16″ M3 Pro and M3 Max MacBook Pros available, Certified Refurbished, starting at $2119 and ranging up to $600 off MSRP. Each model features a new outer case, shipping is free... Read more
Apple HomePods on sale for $30-$50 off MSRP t...
Best Buy is offering a $30-$50 discount on Apple HomePods this weekend on their online store. The HomePod mini is on sale for $69.99, $30 off MSRP, while Best Buy has the full-size HomePod on sale... Read more
Limited-time sale: 13-inch M3 MacBook Airs fo...
Amazon has the base 13″ M3 MacBook Air (8GB/256GB) in stock and on sale for a limited time for $989 shipped. That’s $110 off MSRP, and it’s the lowest price we’ve seen so far for an M3-powered... Read more
13-inch M2 MacBook Airs in stock today at App...
Apple has 13″ M2 MacBook Airs available for only $849 today in their Certified Refurbished store. These are the cheapest M2-powered MacBooks for sale at Apple. Apple’s one-year warranty is included,... Read more

Jobs Board

*Apple* Software Engineer - HP Inc. (United...
…Mobile, Windows and Mac applications. We are seeking a high energy Senior Apple mobile engineer who can lead and drive application development while also enabling Read more
Licensed Practical Nurse - Womens Imaging *A...
Licensed Practical Nurse - Womens Imaging Apple Hill - PRN Location: York Hospital, York, PA Schedule: PRN/Per Diem Sign-On Bonus Eligible Remote/Hybrid Regular Read more
DMR Technician - *Apple* /iOS Systems - Haml...
…relevant point-of-need technology self-help aids are available as appropriate. ** Apple Systems Administration** **:** Develops solutions for supporting, deploying, Read more
Operating Room Assistant - *Apple* Hill Sur...
Operating Room Assistant - Apple Hill Surgical Center - Day Location: WellSpan Health, York, PA Schedule: Full Time Sign-On Bonus Eligible Remote/Hybrid Regular Read more
Solutions Engineer - *Apple* - SHI (United...
**Job Summary** An Apple Solution Engineer's primary role is tosupport SHI customers in their efforts to select, deploy, and manage Apple operating systems and Read more
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