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Aug 99 Challenge

Volume Number: 15 (1999)
Issue Number: 8
Column Tag: Programmer's Challenge

Aug 99 Prgrammer's Challenge

by Bob Boonstra, Westford, MA

3D FlyBy

Some of the people who have recently written to suggest possible Challenge problems have asked for Challenges that are more specific to the Macintosh. Well, not everyone is actually that subtle about it. One writer lamented "yet another plain-vanilla Challenge that could just as well have appeared in a Linux or Windows programming magazine". Ouch!! Since this column is based on demonstrating efficient performance, many of the problems naturally carry over to other platforms. But the writer has a point, and this month's Challenge will have more to do with the Mac OS.

Back in April, readers were asked to find a path through three-dimensional terrain that minimized elevation change. This month, you'll also be dealing with 3D terrain, but you'll be flying over it, and displaying a perspective view of that terrain. In the process, you'll have the opportunity to learn a little about QuickDraw3D.

The prototype for the code you should write is:

#include <QD3D.h>
#include <QD3DLight.h>
#include <QD3DCamera.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
typedef struct MyTriangles {
	long pointIndices[3];
	TQ3ColorRGB triangleColor;
} MyTriangles;
void InitFlyBy(
	CWindowPtr theWindow,
	long numPoints,
	const TQ3Point3D thePoints[],
	long numTriangles,
	const MyTriangles theTriangles[],
	const TQ3ViewAngleAspectCameraData	perspectiveData,
		// perspectiveData.cameraData.range.hither	= 0.0;
		// perspectiveData.cameraData.range.yon 	= 1000.0
		// perspectiveData.cameraData.viewPort.origin.x = -1.0
		// perspectiveData.cameraData.viewPort.origin.y = 1.0
		// perspectiveData.cameraData.viewPort.width = 2.0
		// perspectiveData.cameraData.viewPort.height = 2.0
		// perspectiveData.fov				= 1.0
		// perspectiveData.aspectRatioXToY	=
		// 	    (float) (theWindow->portRect.right - theWindow->portRect.left) / 
		//     (float) (theWindow->portRect.bottom - theWindow->
	const TQ3ColorRGB backgroundColor
		// color of background
void GenerateView(
	TQ3CameraPlacement		viewPoint
void TermFlyBy(void);
#if defined(__cplusplus)

Your code consists of three routines: InitFlyBy. called once for each terrain map; GenerateView, called repeatedly with different view positions as you fly through the terrain; and TermFlyBy, called at the end of each flight.

InitFlyBy is given everything needed to describe the scene to be generated except the viewPoint. The terrain consists of numPoints terrain coordinates provided in thePoints. The terrain is divided into numTriangles triangles, provided in theTriangles, each of which is described by 3 pointIndices into thePoints array, plus a color for the triangle.

Each time GenerateView is called, the terrain should be displayed in theWindow from the viewPoint using the projection information provided in perspectiveData. The projection will be a perspective, as opposed to an orthographic, projection, described using the TQ3ViewAngleAspectCameraData structure. The range, viewPort, fov, and aspectRationXToY elements of that structure are guaranteed to be defined using the simplifying values shown in the prototype commentary above.

Triangles should be displayed in the triangleColor, and areas of the scene not included in theTriangles should be displayed in the backgroundColor.

To optimize your code, you can rely on the fact that the viewPoint cameraLocation provided on successive calls to GenerateView will not change very much, simulating an actual flight. Similarly, the viewPoint pointOfInterest that determines the viewing direction, and the viewPoint upVector that governs orientation will not change by large amounts. They will change as the simulated flying machine banks and turns to avoid terrain.

A more realistic FlyBy Challenge would include one or more light sources, an illumination model, and the projection of shadows. For simplicity, we'll omit those minor details. We'll also allow you to fly without worrying about intersecting the terrain ("crashing") - the test code won't do that.

TermFlyBy should deallocate any dynamically allocated memory. Remember, your solutions need to properly initialize and clean up after themselves so they can be executed repeatedly.

Information on QuickDraw3D data structures can be found at:

The winner will be the solution that accurately depicts multiple flights through terrain using the least amount of execution time. This will be a native PowerPC Challenge, using the latest CodeWarrior environment. Solutions may be coded in C, C++, or Pascal.

Three Months Ago Winner

Congratulations to Ernst Munter (Kanata, Ontario) for submitting the winning solution to the May "Piper" Challenge. The Challenge, based on a TidBITS column by Rick Holzgrafe, was to map a string of characters into the smallest rectangle, placing adjacent characters in the string into adjacent positions (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally). The rules allowed (and encouraged) characters to be reused, so that a string like "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" can be mapped into a compact 4x4 rectangle:


Five people submitted entries to this Challenge, and I also evaluated a version of Rick Holzgrafe's code, modified to work with the API specified by the problem statement. Scoring was based on the area of the rectangle produced by the solution, with a 1% penalty added for each second of execution time. I evaluated the entries using 5 test cases with input strings ranging from 38 characters to 198 characters. Besides chucking wood, the entries had the opportunity to pick pickled peppers, sell sea shells by the sea shore, travel to St. Ives with the man with seven wives, and chow down on green eggs and ham with Dr. Seuss. One of the solutions, plus Rick's, outlasted my patience on the longer problems, but all of the solutions submitted (and Rick's) solved the short test cases correctly and compactly. Four solutions solved the "woodchuck" input more quickly than Rick's baseline solution, as shown in the following table:

Name Area Time (msec) Score
Ernst Munster 16 2377 16.38
Cathy Saxton 16 3621 16.58
Tom Saxton 16 4002 16.64
Sebastian Maurer 16 23551 19.77
Rick Holtzgrafe 16 145791 39.33
W. R. 16 162697 42.03

All of the entries submitted were recursive, except for the winning one. Ernst eliminated the natural recursion by placing possible moves and associated state information on the heap. Eliminating recursion probably improved the efficiency of Ernst's solutions, but his real advantage came from the fact that he generated very compact results, more compact than any other entry in three of five test cases. Ernst used two hueristics in deciding which possible move to explore first: the number of empty cells in the solution rectangle after the move, and a projection of the size of the final rectangle based on the number of unique characters yet to be placed in the box.

The next table lists, for each of the solutions submitted, the sum of the areas of the rectangles generated for all of the inputs, the total execution time, and the total score. As usual, the number in parentheses after the entrant's name is the total number of Challenge points earned in all Challenges prior to this one.

Name Area Time (msec) Score Code Size Data Size Lang
Ernst Munter 271 36673 298.87 6612 65632 C++
Sebastian Maurer 318 94546 390.35 5340 31 C
Tom Saxton 313 216511 515.45 5456 18177 C++
Cathy Saxton 425 216048 707.52 6148 186249 C++
W. R. n/a n/a n/a 3424 31 C++

Top Contestants

Listed here are the Top Contestants for the Programmer's Challenge, including everyone who has accumulated 10 or more points during the past two years. The numbers below include points awarded over the 24 most recent contests, including points earned by this month's entrants.

Rank Name Points
1. Munter, Ernst 221
2. Saxton, Tom 106
3. Boring, Randy 73
4. Maurer, Sebastian 70
5. Rieken, Willeke 41
6. Heithcock, JG 37
7. Lewis, Peter 31
8. Nicolle, Ludovic 27
9. Brown, Pat 20
10. Hostetter, Mat 20
11. Mallett, Jeff 20
12. Murphy, ACC 14
13. Jones, Dennis 12
14. Hewett, Kevin 10
15. Selengut, Jared 10
16. Smith, Brad 10
17. Varilly, Patrick 10
18. Webb, Russ 10

There are three ways to earn points: (1) scoring in the top 5 of any Challenge, (2) being the first person to find a bug in a published winning solution or, (3) being the first person to suggest a Challenge that I use. The points you can win are:

1st place 20 points
2nd place 10 points
3rd place 7 points
4th place 4 points
5th place 2 points
finding bug 2 points
suggesting Challenge 2 points

Here is Ernst Munter's winning Piper solution:

Copyright © 1999, Ernst Munter

Problem Statement
Pack the letters of a character string in the smallest possible
rectangle such that the string can be read by tracing the
characters in the box from field to adjacent field.
A penalty of 1% is added for each second of run time.
Solution Strategy
Solutions are represented by the leaves of a search tree, where
each node stands for a character in the string, associated with
a particular field in the rectangle.  Each node can have up to
eight adjacent fields, and the tree grows very rapidly.
We are interested in the (or one of possibly several) trajectory
where all nodes are packed closely together, to result in the
smallest area.  Each field, with its character, can be visited
several times.
The objective then is to find the more promising trajectories
early, and cut off any search path as soon as it is clear that
it cannot lead to a better solution than the one already obtained.
In addition, the search must be cut off after a few seconds, or
the time penalty will outweigh any likely improvement in area.
The search relies on two heuristics:
		at each step, all possible next moves are evaluated
		and then executed in order of the lowest "vacancy",
		that is the number of empty fields in the box after
		that move,
	-	the final size of the box at each depth is projected,
		bearing in mind the number of unique single characters
		and pairs in the remainder of the string.
The usual techniques are used to make the program as efficient
as possible, in order to execute as many moves as possible
before the timer cuts the search short.
Recursion Removal
The problem by its nature suggests a recursive solution.
I chose to remove recursion by building a stack of nodes (States)
on the heap.  At each level, up to 8 child nodes ("moves" or
PartialStates) are created and stacked in the preferred order.
Then the node at the top of the stack is expanded into a full node
(with children etc), until either no more moves are possible, or
the last character of the string is reached (leaf node).
When backtracking, there will either be another move stacked on
the previous State, to be expanded; or all moves of the previous
State have been exhausted, and we step back to the previous State
from that; until the initial State is reached, at which point
all branches of the tree have been explored.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "Piper.h"
#include <lowmem.h>
typedef unsigned char 	U8;
typedef unsigned long 	U32;
typedef unsigned short	U16;
typedef unsigned short	Pair[32];
enum {
	kMaxDim		= 256,		// 256 by 256 grid
	kGridHeight	= kMaxDim,
	kGridWidth	= kMaxDim,
	kGridSize	= kGridHeight * kGridWidth,
	kBorderChar	= 0x1F,
	kWasBlank	= 0x20,
	kDefaultLoop= 0x100000,	// initial run, before timing of loops
	kTolerance	= 8			// accept up to 8 % running time penalty
struct Pnt
// A Point (Pnt) in the grid is represented by a short which
// can directly serve as index into the grid.
struct Pnt {
	U16	w;	// = y*256 + x
	Pnt(U32 z):w(z){}
	Pnt(int xx,int yy) : w(xx + (yy<<8)) {}
	int X(){return w & 0xFF;}
	int Y(){return w >> 8;}
	U32 Linear(){return w;}
	void GoUp()  	{w -= 0x0100;}
	void GoDown()	{w += 0x0100;}
	void GoLeft()	{w -= 0x0001;}
	void GoRight()	{w += 0x0001;}
	void Shift(int dx,int dy){w += dx + dy*0x100;}
struct Rct
// A Rect (Rct) is the concatenation of two points into a long
struct Rct {
	U32 w;	// = ((top*256 + left)*256 + bottom)*256 + right
	Rct(U32 ww){w=ww;}
	Rct(Pnt & TL,Pnt & BR){w = (TL.Linear()<<16) | BR.Linear();}
	int Size()	{return Height() * Width();}
	int Top()	{return  w>>24;}
	int Left()	{return (w>>16) & 0xFF;}
	int Bottom(){return (w>>8) & 0xFF;}
	int Right()	{return  w & 0xFF;}
	int Height(){return Bottom()-Top();}
	int Width()	{return Right()-Left();}
	void ExpandTop()	{w -= (1<<24);}
	void ExpandLeft()	{w -= (1<<16);}
	void ExpandBottom()	{w += (1<<8);}
	void ExpandRight()	{w +=  1;}
struct Grid
// Grid is a 256 by 256 grid of characters.
// This box can hold any string up to almost 64K length, and many
// that are longer, but run time would be intolerably long anyway.
// The top, left and bottom margins are set to a border char;
// this confines the string to the box, without wrap or range checks.
static struct Grid {
 	char	g[kGridSize];
 		char* gp=g;
 		for (int i=1;i < kGridWidth-1;i++)
 			gp += kGridWidth;
 	void	Set(/*const*/ Pnt & p,const char c){g[p.Linear()]=c;}
 	int		Value(/*const*/ Pnt & p){return g[p.Linear()];}
 	Pnt &	Center(){return Pnt(kGridWidth/2,kGridWidth/2);}
// The grid is declared static and global.
struct PreProcess
// The PreProcess analyzes the string statically to determine for each
// string position the number of remaining unique characters, and
// the number of remaining unique pairs.  This is then summarized
// as a "tail" figure for each string index, indicating the number
// of fields (at least) that will be required for characters beyond
// the current index position.
struct PreProcess {
	U16*	indexMap;
	U16*	tail;
	char*	str;
	int		oldLen;
	int		netLen;
	PreProcess(char* s)
// All characters are reduced to the range 1 to 26, and non-alpha
// characters are removed from the string s.
// As characters are removed, an index map is created to relate
// the new character indices back to their original positions.
		indexMap=new U16[oldLen];
		U16* imp=indexMap;
		char* strp=str;
		for (int i=0;i<oldLen;i++)
			U32 c=*s++;
			if (isalpha(c))
				*imp++ = i;
				*strp++ = c & 0x1F;
		tail=new U16[netLen];
		delete [] tail;
		delete [] indexMap;
	void TrivialSolution(GridPoint pt[])
// If the string is less than 4 characters long, a box of
// height 1 is optimal.
		for (int i=0;i<netLen;i++)
			int j=indexMap[i];
			if ((i==2) && (str[0]==str[2])) pt[j].x=0;
			else pt[j].x=i;
	void ComputeProfile()
// Computes the tail array, just once for a given string.
  		U32 cmap=0,R=0;
  		U32 link[32];
  		int numLink[32];
  		char* s=str;
  		int len=netLen;
  		U32 a=s[0];
  		for (int i=0;i<len;i++)
			U32 bit=1 << s[i];
 			if (0 == (cmap & bit)) {R++; cmap |= bit;}
			if (i)
				int b=s[i];
				U32 bbit=1 << s[b];
				if (0 == (link[a] & bbit))
					numLink[a]++;	link[a] |= bbit;
				U32 abit=1 << s[a];
				if (0 == (link[b] & abit))
					numLink[b]++;	link[b] |= abit;
		Pair* pair=new Pair[netLen];
  		for (int i=0;i<len;i++)
			U32 bit=1 << s[i];
			if (cmap & bit) { R-; cmap &= ~bit;}
			for (int z=1;z<26;z++) pair[i][z]=numLink[z];
			if (i>0)
				U32 b=s[i];
				U32 bbit=1 << s[b];
				if (link[a] & bbit)
					numLink[a]-;	link[a] &= ~bbit;
				U32 abit=1 << s[a];
				if (link[b] & abit)
					numLink[b]-;	link[b] &= ~abit;
  		for (int i=0;i<len;i++)
     		for (a=1;a<26;a++)
		delete [] pair;
	int Len(){return netLen;}
	int Index(int i){return indexMap[i];}
	char* String(){return str;}
struct PartialState
// The PartialState represents a child node, or a "move" forward.
// It records the bounding box , the position in the grid, and
// miscellaneous items in preparation for the move.
struct PartialState {
	Rct	corners;	// 	of rectangle in grid
	Pnt		gridPos;	// 	x-y pos of last char placed in grid
	U16		misc;		//10+1+5 bits=vacancy+wasBlank+gridChar
	void Init(
		const Rct cs,
		const Pnt gp,
		const U32 ms)
	U32 Size(){return corners.Size();}
	U32 GridChar(){return misc & 0x1F;}
	U32 WasBlank(){return misc & 0x20;}
	U32 Vacancy() {return misc >> 6;}
	void SetGrid(){grid.Set(gridPos,GridChar());}
	void ClearGrid(){grid.Set(gridPos,0);}
struct State:PartialState
// The State struct expands the PartialState to include a pointer
// back up the tree (previous State) and the list of children.
struct State:PartialState {
	State*			prevState;
	int				numMoves;
	PartialState	move[8];//	up to 8 possible next states
	void Init(const char* s)
		Pnt corner0=grid.Center();
		Pnt corner1=corner0;
// first character, center of grid, 0 vacancy
	State* BackTrack()
// Backtrack to immediate parent.
		if (WasBlank()) ClearGrid();
		return prevState;
	State* BackTrack(int & index)
// Backtrack to the first parent that has any moves left.
		State* S=this;
			if (S->WasBlank()) S->ClearGrid();
		} while (S && (0 == S->numMoves));
		return S;
	State* PlaceNextChar()
// typecasts the highest numbered move (partial state) to full state
//		and places the character in the grid
		if (numMoves)
			State* S = (State*)(&move[-numMoves]);
			return S;
		return 0;
	State* Add5Moves(int bestSize,int tail,char ch)
// Used only at step two, i.e. for the third letter in the string
// For the third letter, 3 moves can be eliminated because of symmetry
	return this;
// Some code sequences as macros for clarity and to save listing space
#define OVERLAY														\
	{	int spill=tail-oldVacancy;							\
		U32 newSize=oldSize;									\
		if (spill>0) newSize+=spill;						\
		if (newSize < bestSize)								\
		{																		\
			move[numMoves++].Init(corners,newPos,	\
			(oldVacancy << 6) /* | 0 */ | ch);				\
			}																\
#define CHECK_LEFT												\
	if (newPos.X() <  corners.Left()) 				\
	{																			\
		newCorners.ExpandLeft();								\
		vacancy+=newCorners.Height();					\
		newSize+=newCorners.Height();					\
#define CHECK_RIGHT												\
	if (newPos.X() >=  corners.Right())	 			\
	{																			\
		newCorners.ExpandRight();							\
		vacancy+=newCorners.Height();					\
		newSize+=newCorners.Height();					\
#define CHECK_TOP													\
	if (newPos.Y() < corners.Top()) 					\
	{																			\
		newCorners.ExpandTop();								\
		vacancy+=newCorners.Width();						\
		newSize+=newCorners.Width();						\
#define CHECK_BOTTOM											\
	if (newPos.Y() >= corners.Bottom()) 			\
	{																			\
		newCorners.ExpandBottom();							\
		vacancy+=newCorners.Width();						\
		newSize+=newCorners.Width();						\
#define FINISH														\
	{	int spill=tail-vacancy;								\
		if (spill>0) newSize+=spill; 					\
	    if (newSize < bestSize) 							\
	    {																	\
		move[numMoves++].Init(newCorners,newPos,	\
		(vacancy << 6) | kWasBlank | ch);			\
		}																		\
	void Add1Move(int bestSize,int tail,char ch,int dx,int dy)
// Adds a single move.
		U32 oldSize=corners.Size();
		U32 oldVacancy=Vacancy();
		Pnt newPos=gridPos;
		U32 oldC=grid.Value(newPos);
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
	void Add8Moves_non_optimized(int bestSize,int tail,char ch)
// Adds all 8 possible moves.
// This function is replaced by the optimized version, below.
	void Add8Moves(int bestSize,int tail,char ch)
// Same functionality as Add8Moves_non_optimized, but inlined
//		and avoiding unnecessary box-corner tests: 35% faster
		Pnt newPos=gridPos;
		U32 oldSize=corners.Size();
		U32 oldVacancy=Vacancy();
// move down
		U32 oldC=grid.Value(newPos);
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
// move down and right
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
// move right
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
// move up and right
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
// move up
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
// move up and left
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
// move left
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
// move down and left
		if (oldC == ch) OVERLAY
		else if (oldC==0)
			Rct newCorners=corners;
			U32 newSize=oldSize;
			U32 vacancy=oldVacancy-1;
	void SortMoves()
// Sorts by vacancy: lower vacancy moves go first (from top of stack)
		for (int i=1;i<numMoves;i++)
		for (int j=0;j<i;j++)
			if (move[j].misc > move[i].misc)
				double t=*((double*)(move+i));
	void CopyPoint(const int i,GridPoint pt[])
// Copies a single point to the result,
// mapping my grid's center to the result grids origin (0,0)
	void CopySolution(const int len,
				/*const*/ PreProcess & pp,GridPoint pt[])
// Copies my grid point sequence to the result grid point array
// using the index mapping setup by the PreProcess object.
		State* S=this;
		for (int k=len-1;k>=0;k-)
			int i=pp.Index(k);
			if (S==0) break;	// safety catch
struct Solver
// The Solver object is the main actor to execute the tree search.
struct Solver {
	State*	states;
	int		stringLen;
	int		bestSize;
	Solver(PreProcess & pp) :
		states(new State[pp.netLen]),
// The constructor places the first character in the grid and
// computes the first move-list, containing only two moves
// (no need for the other possible 6 moves because of symmetry).
// Unfortunately, if one starts with the wrong one (of the two)
// one may not find the optimum solution box as quickly, but
// I have not been able to find a heuristic to make a good choice.
	~Solver(){delete [] states;}
	void GenerateSolution(const PreProcess & pp,GridPoint pt[]);
struct LoopTimer
// The loop timer uses LMGetTicks() to obtain an estimate of
// the average loop time, and then sets up the loop to run for
// one second at a time, until the elapsed time exceeds the
// time allowance, set by a constant (kTolerance).
struct LoopTimer {
	int loopCheck;
	int T0;
	int	elapsed;
	int	timeAllowance;
	LoopTimer() :
		timeAllowance(kTolerance*60) {}
	int AdjustLoop()
		int t=LMGetTicks();
		int period=t-T0;
		if (elapsed>timeAllowance) return 0;
		return loopCheck;
void Solver::GenerateSolution(const PreProcess & 				pp,GridPoint pt[])
// The tree search function.
// Explores the solution tree until time runs out, or until
// all branches have been exhausted.
	int index=0;		// string index for the current state
	State* S=&states[0];
	int loopCounter=kDefaultLoop;
	LoopTimer loopTimer;
		if (-loopCounter == 0)
			if (loopCounter==0)
				while (S) S=S->BackTrack();
				break;// give up after kTolerance secs
		if (index>=stringLen-1) // have reached the end of the string
		{														// we get here only if size is better
				/*added*/(PreProcess)/*end add*/pp,pt);
			State* nextS=S->PlaceNextChar();
			if (nextS)
				if (index==1) // i.e. to place the 3rd character
			else S=S->BackTrack(index);// out of moves
	} while (S);
void Piper(char *s,GridPoint pt[])
// External function published in the header file "Piper.h"
	PreProcess pp(s);
	if (pp.Len() <= 3) pp.TrivialSolution(pt);
		Solver solve(pp);

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There are a lot of big games coming that you might be excited about, but one of those I am most interested in is Athenian Rhapsody because it looks delightfully silly. The developers behind this project, the rather fancy-sounding Top Hat Studios,... | Read more »
Bound through time on the hunt for sneak...
Have you ever sat down and wondered what would happen if Dr Who and Sherlock Holmes went on an adventure? Well, besides probably being the best mash-up of English fiction, you'd get the Hidden Through Time series, and now Rogueside has announced... | Read more »
The secrets of Penacony might soon come...
Version 2.2 of Honkai: Star Rail is on the horizon and brings the culmination of the Penacony adventure after quite the escalation in the latest story quests. To help you through this new expansion is the introduction of two powerful new... | Read more »
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Ste...
I adore game series that have connecting lore and stories, which of course means the Legend of Heroes is very dear to me, Trails lore has been building for two decades. Excitedly, the next stage is upon us as Userjoy has announced the upcoming... | Read more »
Go from lowly lizard to wicked Wyvern in...
Do you like questing, and do you like dragons? If not then boy is this not the announcement for you, as Loongcheer Game has unveiled Quest Dragon: Idle Mobile Game. Yes, it is amazing Square Enix hasn’t sued them for copyright infringement, but... | Read more »
Aether Gazer unveils Chapter 16 of its m...
After a bit of maintenance, Aether Gazer has released Chapter 16 of its main storyline, titled Night Parade of the Beasts. This big update brings a new character, a special outfit, some special limited-time events, and, of course, an engaging... | Read more »
Challenge those pesky wyverns to a dance...
After recently having you do battle against your foes by wildly flailing Hello Kitty and friends at them, GungHo Online has whipped out another surprising collaboration for Puzzle & Dragons. It is now time to beat your opponents by cha-cha... | Read more »
Pack a magnifying glass and practice you...
Somehow it has already been a year since Torchlight: Infinite launched, and XD Games is celebrating by blending in what sounds like a truly fantastic new update. Fans of Cthulhu rejoice, as Whispering Mist brings some horror elements, and tests... | Read more »
Summon your guild and prepare for war in...
Netmarble is making some pretty big moves with their latest update for Seven Knights Idle Adventure, with a bunch of interesting additions. Two new heroes enter the battle, there are events and bosses abound, and perhaps most interesting, a huge... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

May 2024 Apple Education discounts on MacBook...
If you’re a student, teacher, or staff member at any educational institution, you can use your .edu email address when ordering at Apple Education to take up to $300 off the purchase of a new MacBook... Read more
Clearance 16-inch M2 Pro MacBook Pros in stoc...
Apple has clearance 16″ M2 Pro MacBook Pros available in their Certified Refurbished store starting at $2049 and ranging up to $450 off original MSRP. Each model features a new outer case, shipping... Read more
Save $300 at Apple on 14-inch M3 MacBook Pros...
Apple has 14″ M3 MacBook Pros with 16GB of RAM, Certified Refurbished, available for $270-$300 off MSRP. Each model features a new outer case, shipping is free, and an Apple 1-year warranty is... Read more
Apple continues to offer 14-inch M3 MacBook P...
Apple has 14″ M3 MacBook Pros, Certified Refurbished, available starting at only $1359 and ranging up to $270 off MSRP. Each model features a new outer case, shipping is free, and an Apple 1-year... Read more
Apple AirPods Pro with USB-C return to all-ti...
Amazon has Apple’s AirPods Pro with USB-C in stock and on sale for $179.99 including free shipping. Their price is $70 (28%) off MSRP, and it’s currently the lowest price available for new AirPods... Read more
Apple Magic Keyboards for iPads are on sale f...
Amazon has Apple Magic Keyboards for iPads on sale today for up to $70 off MSRP, shipping included: – Magic Keyboard for 10th-generation Apple iPad: $199, save $50 – Magic Keyboard for 11″ iPad Pro/... Read more
Apple’s 13-inch M2 MacBook Airs return to rec...
Apple retailers have 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs in stock and on sale this weekend starting at only $849 in Space Gray, Silver, Starlight, and Midnight colors. These are the lowest prices currently... Read more
Best Buy is clearing out iPad Airs for up to...
In advance of next week’s probably release of new and updated iPad Airs, Best Buy has 10.9″ M1 WiFi iPad Airs on record-low sale prices for up to $200 off Apple’s MSRP, starting at $399. Sale prices... Read more
Every version of Apple Pencil is on sale toda...
Best Buy has all Apple Pencils on sale today for $79, ranging up to 39% off MSRP for some models. Sale prices for online orders only, in-store prices may vary. Order online and choose free shipping... Read more
Sunday Sale: Apple Studio Display with Standa...
Amazon has the standard-glass Apple Studio Display on sale for $300 off MSRP for a limited time. Shipping is free: – Studio Display (Standard glass): $1299.97 $300 off MSRP For the latest prices and... Read more

Jobs Board

Liquor Stock Clerk - S. *Apple* St. - Idaho...
Liquor Stock Clerk - S. Apple St. Boise Posting Begin Date: 2023/10/10 Posting End Date: 2024/10/14 Category: Retail Sub Category: Customer Service Work Type: Part Read more
*Apple* App Developer - Datrose (United Stat...
…year experiencein programming and have computer knowledge with SWIFT. Job Responsibilites: Apple App Developer is expected to support essential tasks for the RxASL Read more
Omnichannel Associate - *Apple* Blossom Mal...
Omnichannel Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Read more
Operations Associate - *Apple* Blossom Mall...
Operations Associate - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Read more
Cashier - *Apple* Blossom Mall - JCPenney (...
Cashier - Apple Blossom Mall Location:Winchester, VA, United States ( - Apple Blossom Mall Read more
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